
Nombril de semaine… Time to share!



Wednesday, is what we call in French “le nombril de la semaine” (the week’s belly button).

I already have my Friday tradition of short poetry/fantasy posting, and I thought I’d dedicate some time, every Wednesday to help others get new readings. In a very modest way, not knowing too much about the technicalities of pinging back, reposting, linking and stuff like that 🙂 (if you are comfortable with those and want to explain me the ABC, drop me a message in the comments), and not having a very wide numbers of readers to this day.

But by sharing and meeting new faces, networks get wider, and if I can help, even just a little, I’d like to do my part! I am still too much on the amateur side to arrange for a big Meet-and-greet party “dans les règles de l’art”, but who knows, I might try that someday too!

So here are links to some bloggers I am following, and that you might enjoy just as well 🙂 Visit them, you never know… Their words might just be those you needed today! Spread “Likes”, share the fun of blogging, and leave me your favorite post either from your blog or one of your favorite bloggers… I’ll make sure to visit too!


Fantasy and mystery, à la Notthedane56


Beautiful pictures and nice tagging along on gastronomic getaways with Rowena

Who ATE all the cherries?!


Magic poetry of Thesarahdoughty


And a few new faces, that opened my mind to this kind of sharing;

Hot Passion…


More to come next week….

Bonne semaine!! 🙂

P.S. I did think about featuring my own navel… But it is far less cute than the one I’ve chosen instead…  😉

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