Blogging · Me myself and I · Thoughts

I can see it…



I can see it… You might think that your mask is flawless, but it isn’t. I can see it in your eyes… Others miss it, because they look for pain, for suffering, for torment. They look for anger towards this disappointing life of yours. They are wrong. You are way farther down than those feelings. Anger hurts, but it is powerfull. Anger pushes you to fight back… And you don’t have the strenght to fight anymore.

I can see it… The void. The abyss beyond your irises. The darkness you wrapped yourself in, the deafening silence that surounds you. You sit there, completely numb, in the back of your mind. You are aware, you play your role in this life, just more like a puppet than like the performer you used to be.

I can see it… The agony of the wait. Having to live, a day at a time, wondering when this will end? Will it ever end? Not capable of going on, yet not ready to leave. Though you’ve thought about it, haven’t you? I’ve seen you keeping yourself from reaching out. You want the helping hand, but you just can’t ask for it. What good? It is way too late, or so you think.

I can see it. I have been empty too! I have danced with despair, yet, I am standing tall today. The road back isn’t easy, I won’t lie to you. It is paved with doubt. It’s a long way to go, and I can walk with you… But I can’t do the walking for you. Only you can fight this fight, but I will gladly hold your hand. And repeat to you, whenever you need it, that the pain is worth it. That you can make it, and maybe someday, you’ll stand in front of someone, and be able to tell them…

I can see it!

18 thoughts on “I can see it…

    1. I am sorry to read that, Paul… Because it means that you are not in a good place at the moment. I hope you have good people around you who can “see it” without judging… I am no professional, but if you need to talk, you can write to me through my “contact” page… *Big hug*

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  1. So beautiful! We do need more people who “can see it”! Great encouragement to those out there. I still remember the time that was said to me. Meant so very much!
    My heart also goes out to you Paul!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Joy 🙂 I am glad to know someone was there for you when you needed it! You’re a proof there is hope! It’s a long way to happiness, but it’s not impossible 🙂 xx *Hugs*


    1. Thank you, Sonofa 🙂 It kind of sad that some people would need to hear that. And unfortunately, when loved ones have to face depression, and get scared, they tend to sugar coat the road to recovery…

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